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Ritual Items

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Unlinned 5½ x 8½ Pentcle Black (hc) Blank Book
The Book of Shadows is a blank book for one's own ritual use. It is a black covered book 5½" x 8½" with blank unlined pages inside. The book is well made and durable. Hardcover.
Price - $10.95

Unlined 8½ x 11 Pentacle Black (hc) Blank Book
The Book of Shadows is a blank book for one's own ritual use. It is a black covered book 5½" x 8½" with blank unlined pages inside. The book is well made and durable. Hardcover.
Price - $13.95

Quill Feather Quills
White turkey feathers brightly dyed. Simply trim the end at an angle to create writing instrument for spells.
Price - $2.50

Ink Spell Inks
Typically, Dove's Blood is used for Love Spells. Dragon's Blood is for Power & Spell Strength.

Dragon's Blood, Price - $4.95

Dove's Blood, Price - $4.95

Parchment Paper
8 1/2 x 11 size paper. Perfect for writing spells on.

Package of 5 sheets, Price - $3.95

Package of 25 sheets, Price - $8.95

Water Florida Water
A refreshing and stimulating floral and citrus scented cologne often used for ritual offering & purification. Also used in spells to remove thoughtforms and heavy vibrations, to encourage the display of emotions, to suppress those who talk too much and to calm places where an excess of energy is present.
7.5 fluid oz., Price - $7.95

Adam & Eve Root
Principally used by lovers; one lover carries the Eve Root and the other lover carries the Adam Root. This keeps your lover true to you and discourages rivals. Also used for attraction, to bring a love to you, or for a marriage proposal.
Price - $3.95/pair

Coffin Nails
Nails that have been used in coffins during burials. Spells are said to gain potency when coffin nails are used in place of a new nail or pin when prescribed in a spell or ritual. Includes instructions for use in spells.
Price - $2.95/set of three

Holy Water Holy Water
Water blessed by Roman Catholic priests (A donation is made by the supplier to the priests' churches). Used to protect and cleanse people, places or things or to drive away evil spirits or entities, similiar to smudging; the Holy Water is spinkled on or over the object to be cleansed or blessed.
Price $4.95/4 oz. bottle

4 Thieves 4 Thieves Vinegar
For healing; or to make your enemies go away or any other person you wish out of your life.
Price - $4.50/4 oz. bottle

Black Salt
Jinx removing; keeps away evil forces & bad neighbors.
Price - $2.50/1 oz. package

Blue Balls
Used as protection wash.
Price - $2.75/1 oz. package

Vesta Ritual Powder
To honor Vesta, the Goddess of the hearth, the sacred fire & maternity. Sprinkle around the room where any magickal rituals are to take place as an enticement for the flame of brightness to enrich the services.
Price - $2.50/1 oz. package

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